11.02.2019 08:07


Da mir die Frage immer öfter gestellt wird, hier einmal ein Profil:

Das ist diejenige (auch juristische s. Guideline zur MRL) Person, die bevollmächtigt ist, die Dokumente zusammenzustellen. (Punkt!)

Guideline zur MRL:

"§383 The content of the EC Declaration of Conformity
The following comments refer to the numbered paragraphs in Annex II 1 A:
1. The manufacturer's business name and full address must be the same as those marked on the machinery –see §250: comments on section 1.7.3 of Annex I. Where the manufacturer has chosen to mandate an authorised representative in the Community to carry out all or part of his obligations set out in Article 5 –see §84 and §85: comments on Article 2 (j) –the particulars of the authorised representative must also be indicated in the EC Declaration of Conformity.
2. The person authorised to compile the technical file is a natural or legal person established in the Community who has been entrusted..."

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